

  There are three simple life choices that distinguishes self-made millionaires from the mediocre. They are: They are conscious of the company they keep; The people they listen to and; The books they read The Company They Keep You smell like the company you keep. Self-made millionaires are selective when it comes to the people they allow in their circle. They don't just follow through relationships. They are intentional about them. Jack Canfield told a story of how he asked Anthony Robbins, how he makes over a hundred million yearly turn over. He said, if you want to become a millionaire flock around and keep millionaire friends. In no time you too will become a millionaire. We are not suggesting that all your relationships should be built around you and what you want to gain from them. We are saying being intentional about the people you allow into your circle of influence will determine how far you go in life. The People They Listen To Self-made millionaires consume...


We won't be able to accomplish our full potential and essence in life if we are not inclined to setting standards for ourselves. The potency of the standards we set goes a long way in determining how well we'll be maximizing our potentials. For example, you wouldn't be maximizing your potential by setting a standard of living below average. Champions are men/women who understand the concept of setting escalated standards for greatness. We are all born great! But we choose to be who or what we are simply by the decisions and standards we set in the course of living on earth. Once we can capture our purpose for living the next big thing to do is to set propelling standards. Setting standards builds our capacity for more. Standard according to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is defined as a level of quality. The thesaurus gives its synonyms as benchmark, which is defined as a level of quality which can be used as a standard when comparing other things. He...

LEARNING FROM CHAMPIONS 2- 7 Minutes With Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Being famous for having seven minutes to advise President George W. Bush when in the wake of tower attacks, seventy-five percent of the global trading capability in US government bond was wiped out and the US stock market was down far the for the foreseeable future. Since then numerous heads of states have sought after Pippa's counsel. Dr. Pippa Malmgren is one of the world's leading political economist and communicator. On her invitation back to speak at the London School Of Economics graduation, where she also had her Ph.D in International Relations in 1991. She was asked; if she had seven minutes to advise recent graduates seeking to get noticed in today's economic environment, what would she say? In her words. "Invoke the spirit of entrepreneurial-ism in whatever walk of life or professional field you pursue, be innovative. Even in a large multinational you have no choice but to be an entrepreneur. If you only do what the job demands, you will be replaceable; y...


 WHAT IS FOCUS? Focus is a critical element - the power many of us overlook, ignore, and side-track; yet capable of actually changing the equation of our life for the better. In this article, I shall tinker with highlighting how focus determines our future as well as helping us to create our fortune(s). To gain access in life, you do not necessarily need a bunch of keys. You only need the right key for the right door. In essence, you do not need too many keys like a janitor experimenting and/or going through a trial-and –error process, dissipating your energy, mental resource(s), intellectual capability, emotion(s), social capital, economic power, and ability to grant favours. What you need is to fully pour your attention and devote your resources in a certain direction to deploy with specificity, determination, and ‘power’ for the door you are zero-ing on to open; or, shall be opened and, also, the barriers shall be broken down and be consumed with the po...

LEARNING FROM CHAMPIONS- The Inspiring Story Of Peter J. Daniels

Born in Australia, his parents were third-generation welfare recipients used to being poor. Peter attended elementary school in Adelaide. Because of a learning disability, he found it difficult to understand and assemble words. Consequently he was labeled stupid by teachers who were either too busy or didn't care enough to find out why he struggled. One teacher in particular, Miss Phillips, would make Peter stand in front of the class where she would berate him with, "Peter Daniels, you're a bad boy and you'll never amount to anything". Of course this did nothing for his self-esteem. As a result, he failed every grade in school. One of his earliest career choices was to become a bricklayer. A few years later, married with a young family, he decided to go into business for himself. The first venture failed miserably and he was broke within a year. Undaunted, he saw another opportunity and channeled his energy into making it a success similar fate awaited him; h...


The secret to success is available to anyone who cares to find. There are no magical formulas to prosperity. To prosper, you simply need to study what works and what doesn't. I hope you're getting the message that achieving what you want in life doesn't require magical formulas or secret ingredients. It's simply focusing on what works versus what doesn't. However, many people focus on the wrong things. Those who live from paycheck to paycheck every month have not studied how to acquire financial intelligence. They had focused more on spending instead of acquiring a strong asset base for the future. Funny enough the informations needed for your success abound everywhere around you. Successful people write them in books; it's in their audio/video recordings; their biographies; in magazine/television interviews such as, Forbes and Success Magazines. Contrary to popular belief people think rich and successful people do not really share their success secrets. Th...


Life doesn't just happen to you. It's all about your choices and how you respond to every situation. If you are in the habit of continually making bad choices, disaster often occurs. Your everyday choices ultimately determine whether you end up living with abundance or living in poverty. The more you learn about yourself- how you think, how you feel, what your purpose is and how you want to live- the more you will be inclined to making right choices that will lead to the fulfillment of your ultimate purpose. Instead of just working hard every week, you will begin to make better choices based on intuition and instinctively knowing the right thing to do. It is this higher level of awareness that determines your daily quality of life. Many people today are concerned about their lifestyle. Phrases like, "I'm looking for a better quality of  life", "I want to do better", or "I just want to simplify my life", are now commonplace without them re...