We won't be able to accomplish our full potential and essence in life if we are not inclined to setting standards for ourselves. The potency of the standards we set goes a long way in determining how well we'll be maximizing our potentials. For example, you wouldn't be maximizing your potential by setting a standard of living below average. Champions are men/women who understand the concept of setting escalated standards for greatness.

We are all born great! But we choose to be who or what we are simply by the decisions and standards we set in the course of living on earth. Once we can capture our purpose for living the next big thing to do is to set propelling standards. Setting standards builds our capacity for more.

Standard according to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is defined as a level of quality. The thesaurus gives its synonyms as benchmark, which is defined as a level of quality which can be used as a standard when comparing other things. Hence, the level of quality of life or greatness we wish to attain in life is what setting standards for greatness is all about.

The responsibility of each one of us is to maximize life to its full potential. The spirit of achievement is guided by the notion that success is an install-mental plan on which we make daily payments until we maximize ourselves. Hence the need for setting standards. We can not maximize our potentials consciously if  we do not achieve set goals which gradually elevates us to the benchmark of greatness we had set.

My challenge for you today is to move consciously with the end in mind. Setting daily goals. Doing something everyday that leads you to the realization of your expected future. The goals you set and achieve today will in the long run culminate into the standard/ benchmark of the quality of life you had set for yourself in the future. You can be all that you want to be by setting you heart on fire for it. 


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