I lay no claims to being more knowledgeable than anyone! We are all unique in our different ways, but, I can say I know as far as my thoughts and intuitions can carry me.
I dare not compare myself with anyone, comparing myself, with someone else is just like comparing my dreams and passions with someone else’s dreams and passions. We are what we are, and, we can only be the best when we see ourselves as the best.
Comparison is the ‘mother’ of retrogression and continual introspecting. Those who compare themselves to someone else are those who have realigned their minds to thinking they can never be better than that other person. ‘Comparists’ are those who feel insecure by the achievements and successes of others. We would never be free as a nation and as individuals if we keep comparing/imbibing other peoples’ cultures and traditions as the pedestal through which we exist, see, think, behave, speak, and believe. Only a free mind can adequately be harnessed to its full capacity. Many of us as individuals and as a nation are still existing as ‘colonies’ because we have refused to be set-free from comparison. Even though we gained (political) independence in October, 1960, we are yet to gain freedom from a mind largely engendered by an inferiority syndrome!
For only those with a free mind can exist as a ‘freelance’, hence, they can take advantage of the exploratory measures of the mind and magnify the way in which they exist. The Freelance in News Writing is that which have the permit to write on any evolving news without being restricted/ limited to a particular beat. This characteristic is akin to that of those who have secured independence to think, believe, live and speak in conformity within their mindsets, passions and drives without being scared to breaking the status quo. Comparison can be better explained as a constant phenomenon of seeing the best of you through the eyes of another individual. And, of course the best of you can never be the best until you change the lens through which you see yourself. When we compare ourselves we pair our dreams and stop living as individuals. We begin to do all we can do to be the best we will never be, because the lens, through which we are meant to see ourselves and magnify the way we live, has been given to someone else.


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