Failure is one of the most feared occurrence in life and also the most counter-productive. Failure is an occurrence not a destination. No one wants to fail. We are daily overwhelmed by the fear to fail at our dreams, the fear to fail at achieving a goal, the fear to fail at what we know and the fear to fail at what we do not know. This most feared enemy have lead millions of people to abort their big dreams and to settle for less. This doesn't have to be your story. I have shared with you here, eight lessons I have learned from this enemy that will certainly make your story different from that of others.
1. Failure Makes You Strong
The more the number of times you fail at a thing the stronger you become at it. There's an inner strength that comes with failing if viewed the right way. It is the strength that wants to make you try again. The strength that comes with the zeal to find out ways to do it right.
2. Failure Spurs Creativity
The next thing that happens to a man after failing is reflection. You begin to reflect on the reasons as to why you failed, what you did wrong, what went missing and so on. Psychologists says the act of reflection has a way of spurring creativity. You suddenly begin to generate new ideas, and uncover different strategies on how to get the problem solved. You in no time develop new ways to arrive at the answer.
3. Failure Helps You Grow
I have failed a number of times in my life and I'm still failing. I have grown to be grateful for it. The single act of failing has helped me grow through different of life. This lesson is what I'm most grateful for. So anytime I begin to get lazy, demotivated or exude any other action that leads to failure, my subconscious mind instantly cautions me.
4. Teaches You How Not
There are many occasions I have learned how not to do something simply because I failed before following that path. Failure teaches you what not to do, how not to do it again, where not to start and all other 'NOTS'.
5. Makes You Grateful
It is generally believed and said that experience is the best teacher but, in my opinion failure teaches us lessons success can't. It is in failing you know the true value of success. One who hasn't tasted the other side of success wouldn't appreciate how much it means to succeed. Just like someone who has once been poor will appreciate the value of money much more than one who hasn't tasted the other side.
6. Builds Mental Strength
One would imagine why Thomas Edison was so intelligent and highly acknowledged as the greatest inventor in his generation. He simply understood the lessons failure teaches. Thomas Edison is the most intelligent and successful failure I have heard of in history. If he could achieve as much as he achieved by failing and failing, and failing yet again. It sends a message- failure builds mental strength.
7. Strengthens Your Emotion
There's no doubting there is an emotion behind failure. An emotion of incompetency, inefficiency, and incapability. An emotion of guilt, dissatisfaction and displeasure. This series of emotion should all add-up to strengthen us emotionally. Consequently, leading to a positive anger that stirs up something bigger in us- an unquenchable passion- this passion will take us to a place beyond the pain.
8. Gives You Leverage
A person who has failed once at something is a step ahead of one who hasn't even attempted it. This leverage helps you achieve the desired result faster and more efficiently. You shouldn't fear to fail. You should be grateful for it. Perhaps, that's all you need to take the next big step that leads to limitless success.
1. Failure Makes You Strong
The more the number of times you fail at a thing the stronger you become at it. There's an inner strength that comes with failing if viewed the right way. It is the strength that wants to make you try again. The strength that comes with the zeal to find out ways to do it right.
2. Failure Spurs Creativity
The next thing that happens to a man after failing is reflection. You begin to reflect on the reasons as to why you failed, what you did wrong, what went missing and so on. Psychologists says the act of reflection has a way of spurring creativity. You suddenly begin to generate new ideas, and uncover different strategies on how to get the problem solved. You in no time develop new ways to arrive at the answer.
3. Failure Helps You Grow
I have failed a number of times in my life and I'm still failing. I have grown to be grateful for it. The single act of failing has helped me grow through different of life. This lesson is what I'm most grateful for. So anytime I begin to get lazy, demotivated or exude any other action that leads to failure, my subconscious mind instantly cautions me.
4. Teaches You How Not
There are many occasions I have learned how not to do something simply because I failed before following that path. Failure teaches you what not to do, how not to do it again, where not to start and all other 'NOTS'.
5. Makes You Grateful
It is generally believed and said that experience is the best teacher but, in my opinion failure teaches us lessons success can't. It is in failing you know the true value of success. One who hasn't tasted the other side of success wouldn't appreciate how much it means to succeed. Just like someone who has once been poor will appreciate the value of money much more than one who hasn't tasted the other side.
6. Builds Mental Strength
One would imagine why Thomas Edison was so intelligent and highly acknowledged as the greatest inventor in his generation. He simply understood the lessons failure teaches. Thomas Edison is the most intelligent and successful failure I have heard of in history. If he could achieve as much as he achieved by failing and failing, and failing yet again. It sends a message- failure builds mental strength.
7. Strengthens Your Emotion
There's no doubting there is an emotion behind failure. An emotion of incompetency, inefficiency, and incapability. An emotion of guilt, dissatisfaction and displeasure. This series of emotion should all add-up to strengthen us emotionally. Consequently, leading to a positive anger that stirs up something bigger in us- an unquenchable passion- this passion will take us to a place beyond the pain.
8. Gives You Leverage
A person who has failed once at something is a step ahead of one who hasn't even attempted it. This leverage helps you achieve the desired result faster and more efficiently. You shouldn't fear to fail. You should be grateful for it. Perhaps, that's all you need to take the next big step that leads to limitless success.
This is really encouraging!! Good work . I've never really looked at my failures through this angle in which you have.