Few days ago, I posted an invitation to Paradigm Shift Conference (advantage session 3), hosted by the Covenant Christian Pavilion International, under the leadership of Senior Pastors; Emmie and Bola Oludele. The atmosphere was charged as Emmie Oludele took the first preliminary session, talking on 'Innovative Living'. The atmosphere soon became super-charged as Godman Akinlabi climbed the podium to talk on 'The Anatomy of Mediocrity' for the second preliminary session. Here are notes from day one;

Mediocrity is subscribing to average living. It is simply the opposite of excellence. The greatest enemy of excellence is mediocrity- accepting the norm and living comfortably within the box. Perhaps, the best way to know more about excellence is to go the other way to check out the compositions of its opposite. Excellence is simply, good done in an unusual degree. What makes a man different from every other animal is his ability to pre-play/prepare for the future and replay the past (Matt. 6:25-31). You live today but, you do not live for today. So, a mediocre person is someone who doesn't think about the future, he only lives for today.

A Dissection of a  Mediocre
1. A mediocre suffers mental laziness: He is not willing to exert mental energy. A business, invention or creation is first born in the green room (strategy room) before it is born in the physical. Adopting an habit of thinking through before exerting physical energy will make you win in life.
2. A mediocre is easily overwhelmed: They get easily consumed by challenges and failure. A man of excellence is one who finds eternal motivation.
3. A mediocre settles for the status-quo: An excellent man gets inspirational dissatisfaction with the status-quo. They never settle for less when they know they can achieve more.
4. A mediocre person lives a life of excuses: Excuses, excuses, excuses....For you to excuse yourself is to accuse yourself.
5.  A mediocre over analyzes: Analysis leads to paralysis. A man of excellence is action-oriented. Thomas Edison was completely an action-oriented person. He kept at doing what he needed to do a thousand and one times before he produced his desired result. That is what a man of excellence do. (2 Kings 13: 15-20).

Similarly, to cut down a tree you need several strikes to fall the tree. It is not your last strike that brings down the tree but a combination of all your strikes. To win in life, you have to consistently keep at striking on your goal, dream and vision until  it produces the needed result.


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