What a day! The Paradigm Shift Seminar (advantage session 3), took a new twist today as various speakers stepped on the podium to give incredibly remarkable speeches. First to take the stage again was Godman Akinlabi, followed by Niyi Adesanya and later climaxed by Dr. Gleen Arekion. Here are notes from Niyi Adesanya's teaching on "The Making of A Creative Person";

It is seen in the beginning, according to Genesis 1:1 that the first thing we knew about God was his creative abilities- 'God created the heavens and the earth'. In other words, it will be an error for you to claim to be a christian (christ-like) and lack creative ability of God. Creativity is gold. Creativity increases your value. Human creativity is the ultimate resource to any and every generation. The most valuable resource you can bring to your firm is creativity. To be creative is to have the ability to produce something new, to turn good to better.It is the ability to anticipate, learn, adopt or adapt to change.  It is ultimately, the ability to think for change. It is conceptualizing new ideas and bringing them to reality.

Benefits of Creativity
  • Creativity increases value
  • It positions you for a better future
  • Creativity gives you a competitive edge
  • It gives you immunity from being stranded
  • It lifts you above average (mediocrity)
  • It delivers you from pension queue
  • It gives you control over your life
Over 65% of the world's population do not think at all. About 35% actually think they are thinking and only 5% actually really thinks. Here are some principles that help you rest in creativity.

Principles of Creativity
1. Believe in yourself- trust in your instinct. What you believe about yourself is eventually what you'll become. 
2. Do not think about money- the colour of creativity is red. If you think with money in mind, it will box your creativity. Never allow the amount of money in your account to put a limit of your ideas.
3. Do not be afraid to fail- success in itself is characterized by a series of several failed attempts. Show me man who is successful and I'll show you several failed attempts he had.

In every century or generation, whatever is earned and gained is based on the improvement of what is already on ground. Every dispensation is being controlled by a superior idea. To stand out what you need to do is to create a disruptive idea that will make life better with lesser capital, lower over-head costs but more profitability. Stay creative!


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