It was the climaxing of the previous three days teachings on, 'Cre8tivity-Thinking Outside the Box'. The long anticipated Rev. Chris Ugoh made his name resonate in the hearts of many as the seminar comes to an end with a landmark teaching on, 'Excellence in Life and Business'. Here are highly compelling nuggets from his teachings:

Excellence is giving attention to details that leads to superior performance. Excellence is to continuously pursue progress and improvement. Excellence leads to high productivity. You must leave a signature of excellence in every and anything you do. You must live a life of quality. When you go after anything be quality minded. A commitment to excellence is a commitment to quality living and growth. As a matter of fact, to pursue God is to pursue excellence. because God is an excellent and orderly God.

The quality of a person's life is proportional to his quality to excellence regardless of anything  he is doing. In other words, excellence can come alive in every or anything you are doing to bring about a quality life. Excellence is an expression of what is from your inside, that is, external excellence can only be set on track by a mindset that breaths excellence, desires excellence and feeds on excellence. In contrast, excellence begins from within.

Here are some necessities or requirements to live a life of excellence;
1. Excellence requires diligence and discipline- an excellent person does not just do what he feels like doing when he feels like doing it. An excellent person does what he needs to do when he has to do it.
2. Excellence requires change- if you keep at doing a thing the way you have always done it. You're continually going to get the same results. Therefore, for excellence to be sustainable, change as to take place.
3. Excellence require correction and instruction- an excellent driven man takes corrections and instructions that drives him towards excellence. He doesn't get offended by correction, he loves it, admits it and work on it.

In simple terms, excellence is doing your best with what you have, where you are. The spirit of excellence is respected by the committed but restricted by the mediocre. For you to do great works and work in a realm above average you have to subscribe to the principles that makes excellent. An excellent, heart, attitude and work can only produce nothing less than excellence. Excellent work produces excellent result. In an emerging world the only thing that will keep a man relevant for a long period of time is this mystery of excellence.

P.S: Texts- Prov. 12:5, Dan. 6: 1-3, Prov. 17: 10, Prov. 10:8, Matt. 26: 20-30.


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