In every age whatever is earned and gained is based on the improvement of what is already on ground. Every dispensation is being controlled by a superior idea. Creativity is gold. The human creativity is the ultimate economic resource for every generation. Nations and business empires are built out of creativity not from the readily available resources. In fact, creativity is the most priced human possession in the market place. By all means get creative. Here are seven ways to help you enhance your creative abilities in the right environment to become highly valued and sort after.

1. Make it Neat
A neat space can spur your creativity in a way you wouldn't imagine. If I can say this; the neatness of your environment will ultimately determine the neatness of your thoughts. Your mind can think farther, faster and better in a neat space than one that is void of this quality.

2. Make it Colourful
This is all about the psychology of colour . There are certain colours that just makes it easier to think. They allow your thoughts to flow and play. White is an example of such colour. To think freely and greatly you need the right combination and complement of colours. It makes it seem just right.

3. Make it Comfortable
Your comfort is key in helping you create great pictures in mind. Only in your comfort-zone can you self-express. Self-expression in itself is a foundation for exploring creativity. Your space just need to be as comfortable, for your thoughts to create a world of your own comfortably in them.  

4. Make it You
A blend of comfort, neatness, colour and originality is such an exceptional combination for creativity to take its place. Making your space you is making it originally you. Make your space speak your language, think your thoughts, and express you from the inside-out.

5. Make it Cool
It just as to be as calm. in a proper lingual, it as to be cool, calm and collected. Serenity is the right word. The serenity of your space couple with the a fore-mentioned qualities will shape your mind to think aright. Free from noise, not higher than the atmospheric temperature (preferably air-conditioned), with proper but not so bright lightning is just a place you want to be.

6. Make it attractive
This is simple, what attracts you will attract your great thoughts. Make your space as fresh and inviting as possible. It is not out of place to use a combination of air dispensers, air sanitizer, and other air enhancing products to achieve this result. You just need your space to be just right for the right course. The ambience of the air will take your thoughts to a new different level.

7. Play it Classical
It has been discovered from history that classical songs and hymns has a way of increasing overall productivity and creativity of people. It calms the nerves, catalyzes the brain and conditions the mind. This is the right mix of recipes you need to get to that other side of your world. 


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