I have failed a number of times in my life and I have grown to be grateful for it because, failure has the capacity to teach us what success can't. It is not the emotion behind failure that propels one to do better in life but the sheer will not to repeat a mistake again and like Thomas Edison puts it, "It is learning another way not to do it right". Many are left contained in the mold of failure by the emotion of inefficiency and incapability that it brings.

It is not until you learn to embrace failure that you know what it takes to overcome fear. What I am saying is, the fear of failure puts us in a box. It incapacitates our creativity and willingness to step out of the norm, to do what we really want to do. Many dreams have been killed, crippled, left unfulfilled by the fear to fail at them. The truth is, you can never encounter success by staying within the circumference of your comfort zone. Success as never been born within the four walls of fear.

In fact, what makes you ready to begin a journey to success is the ability to overcome your self-limiting beliefs. The boldness to say 'NO' to the negative inner dialogue within you that keeps you static. You need to be courageous to defeat fear. I have never seen a man so successful that has never failed at anything. Someone once said, "Behind every successful man are many unsuccessful years (or many years of successive failure)".

You build your arsenal for the fulfillment of your dreams in life first by, developing a "can-do" attitude. An attitude that keeps you going against all odds irrespective of failures, irrespective of limitations. This state of mind is what I refer to as - 'failing forward'- it has the ability to single-handedly propel you towards greatness in life. Not only in your career but also in your business, health, finances, and the relationships you build.

My challenge for you is this- don't get into resentment because of your inability to succeed at something and then rest on your oars- that is not a "can-do" attitude. You keep at doing what you need to do to get what you need to get. Learn from your failure/mistakes. Do it again and again. Reflect on what/where you might be wrong, then go again after it until you get it done- this is the attitude you need. Keep failing forward!


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