
Showing posts from 2017


  There are three simple life choices that distinguishes self-made millionaires from the mediocre. They are: They are conscious of the company they keep; The people they listen to and; The books they read The Company They Keep You smell like the company you keep. Self-made millionaires are selective when it comes to the people they allow in their circle. They don't just follow through relationships. They are intentional about them. Jack Canfield told a story of how he asked Anthony Robbins, how he makes over a hundred million yearly turn over. He said, if you want to become a millionaire flock around and keep millionaire friends. In no time you too will become a millionaire. We are not suggesting that all your relationships should be built around you and what you want to gain from them. We are saying being intentional about the people you allow into your circle of influence will determine how far you go in life. The People They Listen To Self-made millionaires consume...


We won't be able to accomplish our full potential and essence in life if we are not inclined to setting standards for ourselves. The potency of the standards we set goes a long way in determining how well we'll be maximizing our potentials. For example, you wouldn't be maximizing your potential by setting a standard of living below average. Champions are men/women who understand the concept of setting escalated standards for greatness. We are all born great! But we choose to be who or what we are simply by the decisions and standards we set in the course of living on earth. Once we can capture our purpose for living the next big thing to do is to set propelling standards. Setting standards builds our capacity for more. Standard according to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is defined as a level of quality. The thesaurus gives its synonyms as benchmark, which is defined as a level of quality which can be used as a standard when comparing other things. He...

LEARNING FROM CHAMPIONS 2- 7 Minutes With Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Being famous for having seven minutes to advise President George W. Bush when in the wake of tower attacks, seventy-five percent of the global trading capability in US government bond was wiped out and the US stock market was down far the for the foreseeable future. Since then numerous heads of states have sought after Pippa's counsel. Dr. Pippa Malmgren is one of the world's leading political economist and communicator. On her invitation back to speak at the London School Of Economics graduation, where she also had her Ph.D in International Relations in 1991. She was asked; if she had seven minutes to advise recent graduates seeking to get noticed in today's economic environment, what would she say? In her words. "Invoke the spirit of entrepreneurial-ism in whatever walk of life or professional field you pursue, be innovative. Even in a large multinational you have no choice but to be an entrepreneur. If you only do what the job demands, you will be replaceable; y...


 WHAT IS FOCUS? Focus is a critical element - the power many of us overlook, ignore, and side-track; yet capable of actually changing the equation of our life for the better. In this article, I shall tinker with highlighting how focus determines our future as well as helping us to create our fortune(s). To gain access in life, you do not necessarily need a bunch of keys. You only need the right key for the right door. In essence, you do not need too many keys like a janitor experimenting and/or going through a trial-and –error process, dissipating your energy, mental resource(s), intellectual capability, emotion(s), social capital, economic power, and ability to grant favours. What you need is to fully pour your attention and devote your resources in a certain direction to deploy with specificity, determination, and ‘power’ for the door you are zero-ing on to open; or, shall be opened and, also, the barriers shall be broken down and be consumed with the po...

LEARNING FROM CHAMPIONS- The Inspiring Story Of Peter J. Daniels

Born in Australia, his parents were third-generation welfare recipients used to being poor. Peter attended elementary school in Adelaide. Because of a learning disability, he found it difficult to understand and assemble words. Consequently he was labeled stupid by teachers who were either too busy or didn't care enough to find out why he struggled. One teacher in particular, Miss Phillips, would make Peter stand in front of the class where she would berate him with, "Peter Daniels, you're a bad boy and you'll never amount to anything". Of course this did nothing for his self-esteem. As a result, he failed every grade in school. One of his earliest career choices was to become a bricklayer. A few years later, married with a young family, he decided to go into business for himself. The first venture failed miserably and he was broke within a year. Undaunted, he saw another opportunity and channeled his energy into making it a success similar fate awaited him; h...


The secret to success is available to anyone who cares to find. There are no magical formulas to prosperity. To prosper, you simply need to study what works and what doesn't. I hope you're getting the message that achieving what you want in life doesn't require magical formulas or secret ingredients. It's simply focusing on what works versus what doesn't. However, many people focus on the wrong things. Those who live from paycheck to paycheck every month have not studied how to acquire financial intelligence. They had focused more on spending instead of acquiring a strong asset base for the future. Funny enough the informations needed for your success abound everywhere around you. Successful people write them in books; it's in their audio/video recordings; their biographies; in magazine/television interviews such as, Forbes and Success Magazines. Contrary to popular belief people think rich and successful people do not really share their success secrets. Th...


Life doesn't just happen to you. It's all about your choices and how you respond to every situation. If you are in the habit of continually making bad choices, disaster often occurs. Your everyday choices ultimately determine whether you end up living with abundance or living in poverty. The more you learn about yourself- how you think, how you feel, what your purpose is and how you want to live- the more you will be inclined to making right choices that will lead to the fulfillment of your ultimate purpose. Instead of just working hard every week, you will begin to make better choices based on intuition and instinctively knowing the right thing to do. It is this higher level of awareness that determines your daily quality of life. Many people today are concerned about their lifestyle. Phrases like, "I'm looking for a better quality of  life", "I want to do better", or "I just want to simplify my life", are now commonplace without them re...


Many wait for things to happen in their lives without taking actionable steps towards the fulfillment of their ultimate purpose. If  there's  an ultimate rule to success in life it is this: Instead of waiting for things to happen, make them happen.  Stop complaining about things in your life you're not happy about. If there is something in your life you don't like, it is up to you to change it. Stop complaining about the intensity of your challenges or the circumstances surrounding your upbringing, your environment, the economy or your position. You're completely in charge of your life. From now accept complete responsibility of everything you are , and anything you will ever be. Refuse to make excuses or to blame other people for your problems and shortcomings. Develop a highly independent, self-responsible, self-starting mentality. See yourself as the boss of your own life. See yourself as a completely in charge of your physical health, your financial well-being, ...


Failure is one of the most feared occurrence in life and also the most counter-productive. Failure is an occurrence not a destination. No one wants to fail. We are daily overwhelmed by the fear to fail at our dreams, the fear to fail at achieving a goal, the fear to fail at what we know and the fear to fail at what we do not know. This most feared enemy have lead millions of people to abort their big dreams and to settle for less. This doesn't have to be your story. I have shared with you here, eight lessons I have learned from this enemy that will certainly make your story different from that of others. 1. Failure Makes You Strong The more the number of times you fail at a thing the stronger you become at it. There's an inner strength that comes with failing if viewed the right way. It is the strength that wants to make you try again. The strength that comes with the zeal  to find out ways to do it right. 2. Failure Spurs Creativity The next thing that happens to a ma...

Mark Cuban Reveals the Skill that Made Him Millions (and that Anyone can Learn)

Recently Mark Cuban was asked what he would do if he lost it all. What will he do first? "I would get a job as a bartender at night and a sales job during the day", Cuban said on the podcast. "Could I become a multimillionaire again? I have no doubt" Why does he feel that way? Success is almost impossible -in any field-without solid sales skills. Here's why. To many people, the world selling implies manipulating, pressuring, cajouling-all the used-car-salesman stereotypes. But if you think of selling as explaining the logic and benefits of a decision, then everyone-business owner or not- need sales skills: to convince others that an idea make sense, to show bosses or investors how a project or business will generate rate of return, to help employees understand the benefits of a new process, etc. In essence, sales skills are communication skills. Communication skills are critical in any business or career-and you'll learn more about communication by ...


In every age whatever is earned and gained is based on the improvement of what is already on ground. Every dispensation is being controlled by a superior idea. Creativity is gold. The human creativity is the ultimate economic resource for every generation. Nations and business empires are built out of creativity not from the readily available resources. In fact, creativity is the most priced human possession in the market place. By all means get creative. Here are seven ways to help you enhance your creative abilities in the right environment to become highly valued and sort after. 1. Make it Neat A neat space can spur your creativity in a way you wouldn't imagine. If I can say this; the neatness of your environment will ultimately determine the neatness of your thoughts. Your mind can think farther, faster and better in a neat space than one that is void of this quality. 2. Make it Colourful This is all about the psychology of colour . There are certain colours that just ...


Let's get one thing clear: While money may not be of ultimate importance, it still ranks up there with oxygen in giving you life. Hence, the need for you to handle money with intelligence and intention. With that in mind, let's look at the six foundation habits that will help ease your financial pressures as we round up our course on finance management. 1. Develop a Positive Attitude about Money. Attitude is important when it comes to money. In fact, attitude is the driving force in your subconscious mind. Attitude shapes your self-talk and ultimately your financial reality. If you constantly say to yourself, "I'm broke, I'm broke", your subconscious mind hears these negative words and sets up your actions to be consistent with the message. If instead it hears, "I'm building wealth, I'm building wealth", it sets up your actions to become a wealth builder. These messages are sent to your brain and are heard as absolute truth whether they ...


Here are thirteen choices you can make to maximize your talent for productivity and high performance: 1. Belief lifts your talent. 2. Passion energizes your talent. 3. Initiative activates your talent. 4. Focus directs your talent. 5. Preparation positions your talent. 6. Practice sharpens your talent. 7. Perseverance sustains your talent. 8. Courage tests your talent. 9. Teachability expands your talent. 10. Character protects your talent. 11. Relationship influence your talent. 12. Responsibility strengthens your talent. 13. Team-work multiplies your talent. Make these choices and you can become a talent-plus person. If you have talent, you stand alone. If you have talent-plus you stand out. Excerpts from "Talent is Never Enough" by John. C. Maxwell.


I have failed a number of times in my life and I have grown to be grateful for it because, failure has the capacity to teach us what success can't. It is not the emotion behind failure that propels one to do better in life but the sheer will not to repeat a mistake again and like Thomas Edison puts it, "It is learning another way not to do it right". Many are left contained in the mold of failure by the emotion of inefficiency and incapability that it brings. It is not until you learn to embrace failure that you know what it takes to overcome fear. What I am saying is, the fear of failure puts us in a box. It incapacitates our creativity and willingness to step out of the norm, to do what we really want to do. Many dreams have been killed, crippled, left unfulfilled by the fear to fail at them. The truth is, you can never encounter success by staying within the circumference of your comfort zone. Success as never been born within the four walls of fear. In fact, w...


As we begin to round-up these series. The next few posts will be based on principles that briefly explains all we've been discussing in the past few weeks. To get yourself equipped on any and every principle written here, do well to read our previous discussions. Here are "The 9 Smart Saving and Spending Tips" to help you begin a life of financial discipline and abundance: 1. Prioritize long-terms goals : Don’t wait till graduation before you start saving money for your future. Live for the future and not for now. 2 . Make scale of preference : Characterize your needs in their order of significant importance. 3. Delay self-gratification : Be patient; don’t spend your money in a hurry in a bit to self-gratify your immediate needs. 4. Stick to a budget : ...


Peter Drucker, the father of modern management said, "There seems to be little correlation between a man's effectiveness and his intelligence, his imagination, or his knowledge...Intelligence, imagination and knowledge are essential resources, but only effectiveness converts them into results. By themselves, they only set limits to what can be contained". The talents (gifts) of most people are greater than their person. By this I mean, the talent of some people are greater than other important personal attributes, such as, character and commitment. As a result, they often fail to rise to the level of their talent. More important than your talent is the ability to develop true character, effectiveness, creativity and passion. The key choices you make- apart from the natural talent you have- will set you apart from others who have talents alone. This is the key to success. Your areas of strength (talent) is maximized only by the efforts you put to it .  It is these e...


Many are lost as to what to use their money for after saving-up and crashing-out debts. They get lost in this 'trans-atlantic disputation' as their money and skill-sets aren't ripe enough to help them start a business. A suggested alternative is investment in stocks. To build wealth you don't always need to be the boss of a company or corporation but a boss of your finances. The stock market is an awesome medium for wealth building. One of the reasons for the compelling nature of stocks is its impressive history. For decades, stocks have consistently out-performed all other investments when looking at total return. "Stocks are one of the primary tools a company uses to raise capital to fund growth and expansion. A share of stock represents ownership in the company, along with the right to share in the future financial performance of that organization, whether it is good or bad. The company's annual and future earnings forecast determines how much a 'sha...

FINANCE MANAGEMENT 4- Asset Allocation

I'd like to start today by asking if this series has been as beneficial to you in achieving your short-term and long-term financial goals as much has it as been to me? Asset-allocation is one proven model for effective finance management. It is a systematic means of consciously and carefully allocating your income according to a scale of preferential needs and investment. Asset-allocation model covers the need to save now in bits for future long-term expenditures like, buying a car, starting a business or growing a family. Failure to plan for these long-term consuming needs and expenditures will only render you handicapped or overwhelmed when the season comes. To do well financially, you must have a plan for these different portfolios, again, according to your scale of preferential needs. It is advised that your asset-allocation plan should cover at least 30 percent of your weekly, monthly or annual income. To work strictly by this rule, consider an automatic cash-allocation ...


It was the climaxing of the previous three days teachings on, 'Cre8tivity-Thinking Outside the Box'. The long anticipated Rev. Chris Ugoh made his name resonate in the hearts of many as the seminar comes to an end with a landmark teaching on, 'Excellence in Life and Business'. Here are highly compelling nuggets from his teachings: Excellence is giving attention to details that leads to superior performance. Excellence is to continuously pursue progress and improvement. Excellence leads to high productivity. You must leave a signature of excellence in every and anything you do. You must live a life of quality. When you go after anything be quality minded. A commitment to excellence is a commitment to quality living and growth. As a matter of fact, to pursue God is to pursue excellence. because God is an excellent and orderly God. The quality of a person's life is proportional to his quality to excellence regardless of anything  he is doing. In other words, exce...


There was a twist to the service today. It was service unusual- a combination of apostolic thrust and teachings with the revelation of kingdom insights for creativity. All from the combined graces of Dr. Glenn Arekion and Pst. Niyi Adesanya. It even went deeper at the evening syndicate session. Here are notes from teachings of Dr. Glenn Arekion; Never underestimate the power of discomfort. Discomfort with who you are, where you, what you are will spur your creativity. The three pillars of creativity are; wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Prov. 3: 19-20). Wisdom builds, understanding establishes, knowledge enriches. Through wisdom is an enterprise, business or idea built, through understanding is it established and through knowledge does it get enriched. Any enterprise built by wise planning becomes strong through common-sense and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of facts. Many atimes we pray for what we cannot maintain or what our knowledge cannot sustain. What you need to...


What a day! The Paradigm Shift Seminar (advantage session 3), took a new twist today as various speakers stepped on the podium to give incredibly remarkable speeches. First to take the stage again was Godman Akinlabi, followed by Niyi Adesanya and later climaxed by Dr. Gleen Arekion. Here are notes from Niyi Adesanya's teaching on "The Making of A Creative Person"; It is seen in the beginning, according to Genesis 1:1 that the first thing we knew about God was his creative abilities- 'God created the heavens and the earth'. In other words, it will be an error for you to claim to be a christian (christ-like) and lack creative ability of God. Creativity is gold. Creativity increases your value. Human creativity is the ultimate resource to any and every generation. The most valuable resource you can bring to your firm is creativity. To be creative is to have the ability to produce something new, to turn good to better.It is the ability to anticipate, learn, ado...


Few days ago, I posted an invitation to Paradigm Shift Conference (advantage session 3), hosted by the Covenant Christian Pavilion International, under the leadership of Senior Pastors; Emmie and Bola Oludele. The atmosphere was charged as Emmie Oludele took the first preliminary session, talking on 'Innovative Living'. The atmosphere soon became super-charged as Godman Akinlabi climbed the podium to talk on 'The Anatomy of Mediocrity' for the second preliminary session. Here are notes from day one; Mediocrity is subscribing to average living. It is simply the opposite of excellence. The greatest enemy of excellence is mediocrity- accepting the norm and living comfortably within the box. Perhaps, the best way to know more about excellence is to go the other way to check out the compositions of its opposite. Excellence is simply, good done in an unusual degree. What makes a man different from every other animal is his ability to pre-play/prepare for the future and ...

FINANCE MANAGEMENT 3 - Develop a Financial Plan

A financial plan is a series of document designed to help you achieve your short-term and long-tern financial goals. No one makes a head-start start in life without proper planning. A planned life will definitely achieve greater results than an unplanned one. Financial Planning is tracking where each unit of your money goes. It is being responsible with your money. To do well financially you must be in tune with the directions your money goes. You must have goals and set benchmarks for your finances. What financial plan does is to help you build wealth and create balance to your enjoyment of life with responsible investing, which will allow you live constantly at the level you have chosen. According to the Lincoln Financial Group, three of the top five reasons why people fail financially are; They have no financial plan. They make poor investment choices. They procrastinate in starting a savings plan.  To create a financial plan, the essential ideas are these; asset-alloc...


"I cannot do everything but I still can do something and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something I can do" - Edward Hail. The world is full with youths who feel incapacitated by the things they do not have. they hereby, subscribe to being idle in an attempt to wait for the perfect time and resources needed to launch into their future. Teddy Roosevelt advised; "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are". To wait for what you do not have is a waste of your precious time. Begin now to do what you can do to get where you desire to get to. The best time to always start is now. Entrepreneurs who have distinguished themselves in the world are men and women who started out when they were not ready, when everything wasn't right. When everyone was complaining on the problems to be solved, they reached out to find a way to solve them. I am captivated by the thought of Hamilton Mabie; "The question for each man to settle is n...